의미있는삶1 일론 머스크가 채용면접 때 항상 물어본다는 질문들 1. Tell me the story of your life / career :) 2. What are some tough problems that you dealt with (Biggest Challenge in Life!!) 3. And explain how you dealt with those - What are the decisions that you made along the way - How did you make decisions at key transition points - Why did you make those decisions 정리) 일론 머스크는 "Evidence of Exceptional Ability"를 갖춘 인재를 찾는다고 하였다. https://youtu.be/F56D9Fh.. 2021. 12. 26. 이전 1 다음 최근댓글 최근글 인기글 skin by © 2024 ttuttak